First, since looking up "BLVD Reston" in Google Maps doesn't quite take you to the right place, navigate to this link:'57.1%22N+77%C2%B020'16.9%22W/@38.9492112,-77.3380662,20z/data=!4m5!3m4!1s0x0:0x0!8m2!3d38.949196!4d-77.338014Turn left into the parking garage. NOTE: The image below assumes you're coming from Wiehle Ave/Dulles Toll Road. If you're coming from the other direction (Sunset Hills), turn right into the parking garage. At this point, call me so I can meet you in the parking lot and show you how to find the apartment!
Next, follow the blue arrow to the BLVD entrance, BEHIND the loading dock:
Take a ticket from the machine and bring it with you. On the way out, stop by the concierge desk to have it validated (first three hours are free):
Once you pass the gate, park along the back wall in the spaces marked Visitor Parking:
That's it! Just wait until I come down to let you in. If all of the spaces are full, I'll show you another place to park.