Class: DragZoom


import DragZoom from 'ol/interaction/DragZoom';

Allows the user to zoom the map by clicking and dragging on the map, normally combined with an module:ol/events/condition that limits it to when a key, shift by default, is held down.

To change the style of the box, use CSS and the .ol-dragzoom selector, or your custom one configured with className.

new DragZoom(opt_options)

Name Type Description


Name Type Default Description
className string 'ol-dragzoom'

CSS class name for styling the box.

condition module:ol/events/condition~Condition

A function that takes an module:ol/MapBrowserEvent~MapBrowserEvent and returns a boolean to indicate whether that event should be handled. Default is module:ol/events/condition~shiftKeyOnly.

duration number 200

Animation duration in milliseconds.

out boolean false

Use interaction for zooming out.



Observable Properties

Name Type Settable ol/Object.ObjectEvent type Description
active boolean yes change:active

true if the interaction is active, false otherwise.


Returns geometry of last drawn box.


Handles the map browser event and may call into other functions, if event sequences like e.g. 'drag' or 'down-up' etc. are detected.