Module: ol/format/Polyline





module:ol/format/Polyline.decodeDeltas(encoded, stride, opt_factor){Array.<number>}

Decode a list of n-dimensional points from an encoded string

Name Type Description
encoded string

An encoded string.

stride number

The number of dimension of the points in the encoded string.

factor number

The factor by which the resulting numbers will be divided. Default is 1e5.

A list of n-dimensional points.

module:ol/format/Polyline.decodeFloats(encoded, opt_factor){Array.<number>}

Decode a list of floating point numbers from an encoded string

Name Type Description
encoded string

An encoded string.

factor number

The factor by which the result will be divided. Default is 1e5.

A list of floating point numbers.

module:ol/format/Polyline.encodeDeltas(numbers, stride, opt_factor){string}

Encode a list of n-dimensional points and return an encoded string

Attention: This function will modify the passed array!

Name Type Description
numbers Array.<number>

A list of n-dimensional points.

stride number

The number of dimension of the points in the list.

factor number

The factor by which the numbers will be multiplied. The remaining decimal places will get rounded away. Default is 1e5.

The encoded string.

module:ol/format/Polyline.encodeFloats(numbers, opt_factor){string}

Encode a list of floating point numbers and return an encoded string

Attention: This function will modify the passed array!

Name Type Description
numbers Array.<number>

A list of floating point numbers.

factor number

The factor by which the numbers will be multiplied. The remaining decimal places will get rounded away. Default is 1e5.

The encoded string.

Type Definitions


Name Type Argument Default Description
factor number <optional>

The factor by which the coordinates values will be scaled.

geometryLayout module:ol/geom/GeometryLayout <optional>

Layout of the feature geometries created by the format reader.